A few weekends ago we got our parents and siblings together—virtually—again to go through some Old Wives Tales Gender Predictions and to share some of favorite baby name possibilities.
Not knowing baby’s gender has been such a fun experience and we know it’s going to make D-Day that much more special. Neither of us feel like we could name our baby without seeing them first so we have narrowed our list to five names for each gender. We’re not going to share them here or outside our family but we’re going to share the gender predictions here and now. :)
We created a simple poster for the call and went through them one by one, but below are some other predictions as well just for fun. Apparently the best time to do these is actually around 12 weeks our “answers” are based on how I/we felt back at 12 weeks.
Have you dealt with morning sickness? An old wives’ tale states that sickness means it’s a girl. If not, then LUCKY YOU!
I fully expected to be sick throughout my entire pregnancy since that’s just very me, but we have been blessed with such a calm pregnancy in light of the craziness of 2020. We are beyond grateful for baby being so kind to mama.
Team Boy: 1
Team Girl: 0
Heart Rate: An old wives’ tale claims that slower heart rates (under 140 bpm) means boy, while heart rates over 140 means girl.
We didn’t have a 12 week appointment so here are our closest measurements. Baby’s heart rate has been monitored as follows:
7 Weeks: 146 bmp
11 Weeks: 165 bmp
Team Boy: 1
Team Girl: 1
Have you noticed any significant cravings? If you’re craving sweet things, you’re having a girl. If you’re craving salty or sour foods, it’s a boy.
Cravings have not really been a thing for me. Before pregnancy I was typically more of a savory person. I definitely ate more savory during the first trimester, still enjoying a sweet item after meals (like a piece of chocolate). I enjoyed more sweets during the second trimester. I’ve never specifically craved specifically salty or sour or sweet items consistently throughout pregnancy so this one is hard. We’re going to say “salty” since I leaned towards savory during the first trimester.
Team Boy: 2
Team Girl: 1
Do you have pregnancy acne or other types of skin blemishes? One old wives’ tale claims girls will steal your beauty! If your skin is glowing and flawless, get ready for a boy.
My skin has been all over the place. It’s patchy—dry in some places, oily in others. No matter how much moisturizer I put on my nose, it’s still dry and peely. I’ve also developed rosacea on my checks. I think I’ve finally figured out how to keep it under control now, but at other times I look like a middle schooler so…
Team Boy: 2
Team Girl: 2
Skin Texture: Are you’re hands drier or silkier? Drier means boy, silkier means girl.
My face has definitely been drier but my hands are soft and smooth.
Team Boy: 2
Team Girl: 3
Which side do you sleep on? Sleeping on the left could mean boy while sleeping on the right could mean girl.
I’ve always been a left side sleeper but since being pregnancy I’ve switched to my right. Since we’ve been in Canada our routine has been different and we’re not in our normal bed so I don’t know if that’s been a factor but switching sleeping sides is one change I can attest to.
Team Boy: 2
Team Girl: 4
Balance: If you have experienced lots of clumsiness during your pregnancy, it’s a boy! If you’ve been graceful, expect a baby girl.
I don’t think I have been any more clumsy or more graceful than normal, but my parents who have been with us for the majority of our pregnancy said “clumsy” so that’s what we decided.
Team Boy: 3
Team Girl: 4
Have you experienced frequent headaches during your pregnancy? If so, you could be having a boy!
Thankfully no headaches here. Just sinus related ones when the weather is overcast or the smoke from the California and Washington state fires rolled in.
Team Boy: 3
Team Girl: 5
We all know that sympathy pains are a real thing. If your husband also put on some baby weight, an old wives’ tale says it’s a girl! No weight gain? It’s a boy.
LeBraun has a crazy good metabolism having stayed consistently the same weight pretty much since high school. He fluctuates between 3-5 pounds here and there, but it still is basically the same all the time.
Team Boy: 4
Team Girl: 5
Have you noticed a change in your body temperature (like cold feet)? If you’re feeling cold and icy, it’s a boy! Hot and sweaty? It’s a girl!
I’ve definitely experienced a HUGE change. Since I was born I’ve always ran very hot like to the point of keeping our house low-60s year round. LeBraun (and my mom) are always bundled up like their going skiing mid-winter. Haha. But up until the third trimester I have been cold. I’m constantly pulling on a sweatshirt to avoid getting chills. It’s the weirdest thing to be the complete opposite of what I’ve been my entire life but I’d 100% prefer to be cold than hot, especially since I’ve been pregnant during the summer months.
Team Boy: 5
Team Girl: 5
Both ancient Chinese and Mayan cultures used calendars to predict baby’s gender based on month of conception and age of the mother at the time of conception. See the charts below.
I was 30 years old in March when baby was conceived so both calendars show baby’s predicted to be a girl.
Just pulled these two calendars from Google
Chinese calendar prediction: Girl
Team Boy: 5
Team Girl: 6
Mayan calendar prediction: Girl
Team Boy: 5
Team Girl: 7
Ring Test: To predict the gender of your baby, loop your wedding ring through a piece of your hair or tie it to a string, and have your spouse hang it above your pregnant belly. If it swings back and forth like a pendulum, you’re having a boy. If it swings in a circle, get ready for a girl!
My ring went back and forth.
Team Boy: 6
Team Girl: 7
Mom’s and Dad’s Intuition: Not really an Old Wives’ Tale but still a fun one to add to guesses.
From the positive pregnancy test I have thought baby was a boy while LeBraun has thought girl so one more point for each.
Team Boy: 7
Team Girl: 8
Our family’s intuition is as follows (not included in final tally):
Team Boy: 4
Team Girl: 8
Now onto some other Old Wives Tales just for fun...
Are you carrying high? If so, you’re having a girl. Are you carrying low? Then it’s a boy, all the way!
I asked my doctor at our 13 week appointment and he said “in the middle” so not super helpful. My guess would be low, but I don’t know.
Team Boy: 8
Team Girl: 8
Belly shape: Is your belly round like a basketball or wide like a watermelon? Round means boy, wide means girl.
Hard to predict based on my body at 12 weeks since I didn’t really “show” till 18 weeks, but now that’s it’s growing everyday it’s definitely growing forward in an oblong shape so either a wonky basketball or more likely a watermelon. Haha. :)
Team Boy: 8
Team Girl: 9
What color is your pee? If your urine is bright yellow, it’s a boy. If your urine is light or dull in color, it’s a girl.
Maybe a little TMI but that’s another vote for Team Girl.
Team Boy: 8
Team Girl: 10
Which breast is bigger? If your right breast is bigger, it’s a boy. If your left breast is bigger, it’s a girl.
Perhaps another TMI one but my right breast has always been bigger even before pregnancy.
Team Boy: 9
Team Girl: 10
How is your mood? If you’re happy or mellow, expect a boy. If you’re moody, it’s a girl.
LeBraun says I’ve been generally happy throughout. Mellow is a whole ‘nother issue. He says my pregnancy has been mellow but my mind has gone crazy. I’ve snapped a couple times and been more sensitive/emotional than normal, especially since we started the third trimester so the concuss on this one is girl.
Team Boy: 9
Team Girl: 11
Have you experienced swollen legs or ankles? Rumor has it, it’s a boy!
No swelling thus far.
Team Boy: 9
Team Girl: 12
Team Boy: 9
Team Girl: 12
We’ll just have to wait and see! Honestly we have no preference on gender. Both will be wonderful and bring their own challenges, but our wish for 2020 was for a “healthy, happy baby” and that’s what’s most important to us.