When that afternoon sugar craving strikes, it’s time for chocolate. Despite my efforts, I’m about half-and-half on my ability to resist temptation. Partially because I love chocolate and partially because in America we have more than our fair share to choose from. There’s something for every preference. Are you craving something creamy and nutty? Sweet and salty? Crunchy and Coconutty?
The world’s your oyster, or rather your convenience store chocolate bar-stocked end cap. :)
I like to mix it up, but the one store-bought sweet I would never pass up is a gooey caramel and crunchy pecan cluster covered in creamy chocolate. More commonly known as DeMets Turtles or Purdy’s Milk Chocolate Sweet Georgia Browns.
Unfortunately I have watch how many I eat, or suffer the wrath that is cow-lactose intolerance. BUT THEY’RE SO TASTY!!!
Very fortunately the next weekend I found myself at a farmer’s market in Falls Church, Virginia, and came home with a jar of George’s Mill Farm goat’s milk caramel sauce.
That’s right—goat’s milk caramel! Same great taste, just with less lactose than cow’s milk, making it easier to digest.
Its sweet, oozy-gooey deliciousness is everything you want in a caramel. And as soon as I got home, I knew exactly what to do with it.
As always, you can make substitution to your preference. If you prefer cow-dairy caramel sauce or caramel candies, be my guest.
This recipe is so simple. The hardest part about it is waiting for everything to set before chowing down.
A quick word of warning—there is a reason they sell small bags of Turtles in sets of three. Immediately after finishing one, you NEED another.
Side note: I just bought a sugar thermometer and can’t wait to try and make caramel from scratch. Though now I am realizing it may be dangerous having access to caramel on the reg and I may end up on My 600-Lb. Life. So if you start to notice a change, please say something to me! Haha.
Ingredients (n1)
- 1 (3 - 20z bars) box of Guittard Semisweet Chocolate Gourmet Baking Bars
- 1 - 10oz container of caramel sauce of choice, though I recommend George’s Mill Farm goat’s milk caramel sauce (n2)
- Roughly 45 whole pecans/pecan halves or 3/4 cup of chopped pecans (depending your amount of pecan preference)
- Coarse sea salt (optional for garnish)
- Prepare one large muffin pan by adding one liner to each cup mold.
- Melt chocolate in a double boiler on low, stirring until smooth.
- Pour a bit of chocolate into each lined mold, enough to create a study bottom in each.
- When all liners have chocolate in them, carefully lift the muffin pan and gently swirl for the chocolate to create “sides” to each cup. Try to keep consistency in height and thickness. If your sides or bottom are too thin or have holes, the caramel will leak right out + if your side don't come up high enough, the caramel will have nothing to hold it in place.
- Place pan in fridge for 5 minutes or until set.
- Fill each cup almost to the top of the chocolate sides with caramel.
- Add 3-4 pecans (whole or chopped) on top of the caramel in each liner.
- Place pan back in the fridge for 5 minutes to allow to settle.
- Top with additional melted chocolate from the double boiler. Gently tap pan against the counter to smooth out the chocolate tops.
- Optional: Sprinkle to the top of each cup with a pinch of the coarse sea salt.
- Place pan in the fridge for an additional 5-15 minutes, allowing the cups to set completely.
- To enjoy, remove carefully remove from liner and take a bite!
- If applicable, repeat process for any remaining melted chocolate.
- n1. It’s hard to give exact measurements as everyone has different preferences on chocolate - caramel - pecan ratio, and it depends on how thick you make the chocolate bottoms and how high up the sides the cups go.
- n2. Without making your own caramel sauce or buying cow-dairy-full caramel candies, the caramel will be at less than a firm-ball stage and therefore more runny than traditional Turtle-style. Though none the less tasty!